"Live every second like its your last." People who always take things for granted or are never contented with what they have will probably never understand this. I've never really grasped the true meaning behind this phrase till recently. I've never felt this kind of happiness before.. Its like everything in my life is all in place and complete. Its not the kind of joy you experience on a roller coaster ride where after it reaches it's climax, it starts to drop and the cycle just keeps repeating itself. This kind of joy feels more or less "settled down" in a way.
I used to be quite a bitter person. Always judging people, bearing grudges, being petty.. But after I met my dear boy, I've been influenced by him and I can really feel the big change. Sure we've had our bad times when we don't agree with one another or do something stupid to piss the other off, but its the first time when I will actually stop to think, "I can't let ego ruin this. Every second we stay mad at each other is another moment that we've lost forever. I can't afford to live to regret this." Its like seeing life in a whole new perspective. Since the day I met you, ever so often, I find myself sitting back, smiling to myself and thinking, "Life is so beautiful."
I'm so glad I met you. And even if things should go wrong in the future, loving you will be something I will never forget or regret. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be good enough for you or if I've done anything so bad in the past that karma will come for me and I will lose you. It might be too early to tell, but you're so promising and I really hope with all my heart that we'll make it through. You complete me, I love you so.